St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Edon, Ohio

About St. Peter’s

We are disciples of Jesus Christ our Savior, called to worship and serve! We are located in Edon, Ohio in the northwest corner of the state and are members of the ELCA.

Get Involved

Edon Area Food Pantry
Women of the Church
Youth Activities
Sunday School
Friendship and Mary Martha Circles
Altar Guild

Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace so certain that you could stake your life on it one thousand times.

- Martin Luther

St Peter's Lutheran Church

[email protected]

(419) 272-2113

201 N Church St.
Edon, OH 43518

Worship Times
9:00 am Sunday

Trinity Lutheran Church

[email protected]

509 Center St.
Bryan, OH 43506

Worship Times
Saturday - Worship with Holy Communion - 6:00 pm
Sunday - Sunday School/Adult Classes
Sunday - Worship Services - 10:00am